Powerplattform for Spreadsheets
Open Task Marketplace
- Open marketplace to share solutions to wrangle with data.
- The use of tasks is free!
- Available as Add-In for Excel or as Web-Application.
- Start increase your efficiency today!
- Trusted – your data safety is our first priority.
Thousands of use-cases solved already! Browse the image caroussel to see a small sample of the solutions provided.
Steadily growing task gallery - free to use!
#1 Alternative for Excel Macros
- No data size limit
- Cross plattform, cross user, cross device
- Centralised deployment – no local installation required
- No virus risks
- Powerful menue design possibilities
- Always on – runs if desktop is down
- Easy to schedue
- Secure – authentification with Microsoft Login
- Logfile tracks each task-run for audit procedures

Don’t repeat yourself – store your dataflow !
- Design your dataflow once and run it on each data update with a click. Don’t waste time in repeating yourself.
- Schedule your dataflows. Don’t worry if your computer is on. Once stored, the dataflow runs in background stable and reliable.
Create powerful workflows which solve your business issues quickly, securely, and without programming knowledge.
Connect to other Parties
It has never been easier to connect. And this is how it works:
Step 1: Upload your data to the ZIPPYDOC Plattform by schedule or manually.
Step2: Share or publish your data with others
Step1: Define the task you would like to execute on a data change of DATA PROVIDER
Step2: Click “Run on table change”
If you wanna exchange price-lists, item-lists, transaction signals – all this is easily be done as self-service without the need to consult your IT departments any more.
Render a business plan in seconds:

Render an integrated business plan in seconds. Parameterise your business transactions like employment contracts, rental contracts, sales in answering the questions:
- Transaction date and amount and payment date.
- One-time or repeting transaction.
- If repeting: growth and growth pattern.
Once done, the planning tasks automatically calculates all transactions and renders a big-data table. Based on this big-data table of all expected transaction, every detail and layout of your planning can be shown in seconds.
You don’t have time? Analysis24 is offering Controlling on demand. Analysis24 is a service of ZIPPYDOC GmbH. We support you to achieve your results quickly and enable you to do it yourself with the ZIPPYDOC platform.
Earn more money with your own software solution by using the ZIPPYDOC Platform.
ZIPPYDOC is a great platform to integrate your App into Excel. Feel free to propose your own application to be added to the ZIPPYDOC Gallery. Our task developers will help you to setup your own ZIPPYDOC task. Please contact us in case of interest and to discuss a mutually benefitial business model for you and our customers.