ZIPPYDOC adds to your Success
Connecting your application to Excel? Use the ZIPPYDOC marketplace as sales channel? Automize code wrangling? We add value to Software.
Task Marketplace
All ZIPPYDOC tasks are public source.* You are invited to review, post contributions or modifications to existing tasks or create new tasks. Enjoy being a member of a growing community that adds powerful tasks and features to the ZIPPYDOC task marketplace day by day. Feel invited to contribute your own tasks or ideas.
* Except for those Tasks that are marked with a third party logo. For Tasks that refer to third party apps, the third party license conditions apply.

Connecting your application to Excel
You want to connect your Application to Excel? But don’t want to spent the effort to write your own Excel Integration? Use the ZIPPYDOC Plattform instead. Build a task, so users can choose your task from the open task marketplace. Focus on your solution – we deliver the framework.
Code Wrangling made Easy
Do you wanna extract code? Like all occurances of “x and y” in a pattern like that: {{label: x}, {value: y}}. Or any other pattern you code has. You wanna exchange x with z automatically by setting some framing conditions. See the public flow “Extract Code” in the Flow-Marketplace of ZIPPYDOC to get an impression of the power of code wrangling by ZIPPYDOC tasks.
You don’t have time to develop the connection task on your own. Analysis24 is offering to develop the connection task for you.