The ZIPPYDOC Add-In for Excel is a powerful solution that allows you to automate a variety of core business processes, efficiently, securely and no coding skills.
These are simply a few examples for ZIPPYDOC use cases:
Invoice Management
Complex Budget Management
Financial Reporting
Expense Management
Invoice Management
ZIPPYDOC for Excel allows you to create the ideal invoice management system for your business.
At the click of a mouse, your finance team can consolidate all the data they need from any system – order description, customer reference, order number, terms & conditions, contract discounts and more – and consolidate everything into a final customer invoice, ready for approval by a manager. That invoice is then ready for emailing or printing and sending to the customer. Everything is done automatically, securely, and transparently, using Excel and ZIPPYDOC.
Complex Budget Management
ZIPPYDOC for Excel allows you to create a powerful budget management system that ensures all your expenditure against target is visible, approved and transparent.
Managers can utilise a centralised spreadsheet, using ZIPPYDOC, to create budget spreadsheets, that teams – internal & third party – can access from anywhere. Cell-level controls allow change control and visibility of expenditure, while automated process can drive management approvals and PO creation at the click of a button. Automated reporting capabilities drive accurate and efficient reporting at the click of a button.
Financial Reporting
Financial managers can automate their financial consolidation processes by using Excel spreadsheets and the ZIPPYDOC Add-in to capture results from multiple sources and systems, in multiple formats.
You can automatically configure these reports to provide comprehensive analysis every month or every quarter. Automated workflow processes support audit review and management approval, while assuring data integrity, control and transparency.

Expense Management
Finance teams can create travel and expense spreadsheets that staff can use to manage their travel and work expenses efficiently, transparently, and quickly.
Using Excel spreadsheets and ZIPPYDOC, staff can record expenditure, by client, by business unit, and by expense category, ready to submit automatically to their manager for approval and processing by the finance team. Visibility controls and change controls can easily be updated to ensure that the right people see the right information at the right time.